Turkish Navy’s favorite vessels

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Multipurpose Amphibious Assault Ship TCG Anadolu (L-400)

TCG Anadolu (L-400), the LHD Class (Multi-purpose amphibious assault ship with helicopters and a pool deck for landing craft) warship in the inventory of the Turkish Naval Forces Command, is the first LHD ship in the history of the Turkish Navy. Named after the Anatolian peninsula, the ship, which is 70 percent domestically produced, was built at Istanbul-based Sedef Shipyard and joined the inventory in 2023. 

TCG Anadolu, which can go on intercontinental missions, has a length of 231 m, a width of 32 m, a height of 58 m and a fully loaded displacement of 27,436 tons. Capable of a maximum speed of at least 20.5 knots with full load, the ship can cover 9 thousand nautical miles at an economical speed. TCG Anadolu, which has six landing areas and a 12-degree flight ramp on the flight deck, can deploy 10 helicopters or 11 armed unmanned aerial vehicles.

It also has the capacity to deploy 19 helicopters or 30 UCAVs on the hangar floor below the flight deck.

The ship, which has two elevators, has the capacity to carry 25 AV-8B Harrier and F-35B type fighter jets in the hangar and 6 on the flight deck.The ship, which is used as a multi-purpose amphibious assault ship and has a capacity of 1,223 people, can land an amphibious battalion in the desired area without the need for communication, combat and support vehicles. 

The ship, which can be used as a hospital ship or aid transport ship in times of peace, has a full-fledged military hospital with a capacity of at least 30 beds, including two operating rooms, dental treatment units, intensive care and infection rooms.TCG Anadolu has two 20 mm, 6-barreled Phalanxes on the starboard side, one on the bow of the ship and one on the bridge, to be used for self-air defense. In addition, there are five 25 mm ASELSAN STOPs on the ship, two in the stern, two on the starboard and port sides of the bow, and one under the flight ramp on the bow of the ship.


The Powerful Sword of Our National Defense İstif Class Frigate TCG İstanbul (F-515)

TCG İstanbul (F-515), the first ship of the İstif Class, which was started to be built by Istanbul Shipyard Command in 2017 for the Turkish Navy, was launched in 2021 and entered the inventory in January 2024.TCG İstanbul, one of the most advanced ships produced by the Turkish Defense Industry with national capabilities, has a length of 113.2 m, a width of 14.4 m and a displacement of 3 thousand tons. The ship, which uses an advanced sonar system to detect underwater threats, is equipped with the MKE Head Cannon with a range of 40 kilometers, Aselsan GÖKDENİZ CIWS as a close air defense system, Atmaca Cruise Missile, MİDAS Vertical Launch Launch Launcher System, ASELSAN ALPER LPI radar and AKREP (AKR-D Block B-1/2) radar. It can be used in various missions such as protecting naval bases and coastal facilities, ensuring the security of sea routes, conducting patrol and reconnaissance activities and conducting operations together with other warships.

MİLGEM Class Corvettes

The MİLGEM (National Ship) project is a national project that aims to develop multi-purpose corvettes and frigates for the Turkish Navy that can be used in a wide range of missions, including reconnaissance, surveillance, early warning, anti-submarine warfare, surface-to-surface warfare, surface-to-air warfare and amphibious operations.The MİLGEM project is an important milestone for Turkiye in the naval defense industry. With this project, Turkiye has become one of the few countries capable of designing, developing and producing its own warships.The ships produced under the project are equipped with the latest technology and have all the features of modern warships.

Features of MİLGEM Class Corvettes

Ada Class Corvettes: These are the first MİLGEM class corvettes developed for the Turkish Navy. 4 Ada-class corvettes are still actively serving in the Turkish Navy inventory.

Babur Class Corvettes: This is the export version of the Ada class corvettes built for the Pakistan Navy. 4 Babur class corvettes are still active in the Pakistan Navy.

Reis Class Submarines TCG Piri Reis (S-330)

TCG Piri Reis (S-330), which has a modern and powerful structure, is a 214 class type submarine. TCG Piri Reis, the first of this class in the Turkish Navy, was put into service in 2015, launched in 2020 and officially entered service in 2022.TCG Piri Reis, one of the most advanced submarines of the Turkish Navy, has a length of 68.35 m, a width of 6.3 m and a displacement of 1,850 tons.TCG Piri Reis has an air-independent propulsion system, which is rare among submarines. In this way, it can stay under water for a long time without a periscope and can perform missions.TCG Piri Reis, equipped with the latest technology, is very quiet and agile. It is equipped with modern weapons such as torpedoes and guided missiles. In this way, it is highly effective in submarine defense and attack.TCG Piri Reis was built with a significant amount of domestic products. This shows Turkiye’s sophistication in the defense industry.

Credit: Lsmaster/Wikimedia Commons

Tank Landing Ships TCG Bayraktar (L-402)

TCG Bayraktar is one of the largest and most modern amphibious tank landing ships in the inventory of the Turkish Navy. TCG Bayraktar, which significantly increases Turkiye’s deterrence power at sea, has a length of 140 m, a width of 18 m, a displacement of 23 thousand tons and a maximum speed of 20 knots. With a crew capacity of 250 people, the ship has the capacity to accommodate 20 tanks, 1,200 tons of cargo and an amphibious unit of 450 people.TCG Bayraktar (L-402) can be used in many missions, including landing troops and ammunition from sea to land, amphibious operations, disaster and emergency response, peacekeeping missions and humanitarian aid activities.The ship served the region by turning into a hospital during the 2023 Gaziantep-Kahramanmaraş earthquake.


TCG Sancaktar (L-403)

TCG Sancaktar (L-403), the pride of the Turkish Navy, is an amphibious tank landing ship built entirely in Turkiye. Together with its twin ship TCG Bayraktar (L-402), it serves as one of the most important elements of the Turkish navy.TCG Sancaktar has a length of 169.9 m, a width of 19.6 m, a displacement of 21 thousand tons, a crew of 500 people and an amphibious unit of 2700 people, and the capacity to carry 60 main battle tanks, 80 armored vehicles or 130 trucks. TCG Sancaktar, which has many missions such as amphibious operations, disaster relief and humanitarian aid operations, logistic support from sea to land, also has 2, 76 mm cannons, 4, 35 mm cannons, 2 RAM missile systems, 2 GÖKDENİZ CIWS, 2 12.7 mm machine guns, 2 SAR helicopters. TCG Sancaktar has taken part in many important operations since its commissioning in 2018. In 2019, it provided support to Operation Peace Spring in Syria, in 2020, it participated in exercises in the Aegean and Eastern Mediterranean, and in 2021, it contributed to humanitarian aid activities during the flood disaster in Pakistan.

Fast Supply and Combat Support Ship TCG Derya (A-1590)

TCG Derya (A-1590), one of the newest and most modern ships built at Sefine Shipyard as Türkiye’s Maritime Supply Combat Support Ship (DIMDEG), entered service in January 2024.TCG Derya (A-1590), which plays an important role in regional maritime security with its modern equipment and high capacity, has a length of 199.8 m, a width of 24.4 m and a displacement of 26 thousand tons. TCG Derya, which can operate together with unmanned naval vehicles, has a cargo capacity of nine thousand tons of F-76, one thousand tons of F-44, 800 tons of fresh water, 48 containers, and a crew capacity of 326 people. TCG Derya, the first ship in Turkiye to have a gas turbine propulsion system integrated in a civilian shipyard, is 77 percent indigenously produced. The ship is equipped with indigenous and national combat systems developed by ASELSAN and HAVELSAN, including national electronic and weapon systems, advent battle management system, two GÖKDENİZ close air defense systems, two 25 mm stop close air defense cannons, satellite communication and integrated communication systems, national search radars and electro-optical sensors, and a national friend or foe identification system.

Their duties include participating in humanitarian aid activities during disasters and emergencies, supplying floating troops with fuel and water at sea, performing certain levels of maintenance and repair of manned and unmanned surface and underwater vehicles, helicopters and unmanned aerial vehicles on board ships, and providing emergency repair support to ships damaged during combat.

Credit: NATO Submarine Search and Rescue Exercise/Flickr

Submarine Rescue Ship TCG Alemdar (A-582)

TCG Alemdar (A-582) is the pride of the Turkish Navy and the Alemdar class submarine rescue mother ship, known as the saving angel of the seas. Commissioned on 28 January 2017, this magnificent ship has brought Türkiye to an important position in the international arena in submarine rescue.TCG Alemdar (A-582) has a length of 91 m, a width of 18.5 meters, a displacement of 4,200 tons and a crew capacity of 130 people. Thanks to its 600-meter-deep rescue capsule and advanced diving systems, it is a beacon of hope for saving lives even in harsh conditions. TCG Alemdar, which can also operate above water, can be used to rescue survivors from sunken ships, marine vessels and aircraft. It can also perform various underwater missions such as repairing submarine hulls and removing sunken wreckage. It contributes to the uninterrupted continuation of operations at sea by providing supply and support to auxiliary ships.

TCG Alemdar significantly increases the safety and effectiveness of Türkiye’s submarine fleet. By participating in international naval exercises and search and rescue operations, the ship reinforces Turkiye’s international cooperation and prestige in the maritime field. TCG Alemdar is a ship that incorporates the latest developments in Turkish maritime technology. TCG Alemdar (A-582) is not only a ship, but also a hero of the seas and a source of pride for Turkiye. This magnificent ship adds strength to the Turkish Naval Forces and constitutes an important step towards Turkiye becoming a country that has a say in the seas.

TCG Akın (A-584)

TCG Akın (A-584), built by Istanbul Shipyard in 2017, is the second ship of the Işın Class Rescue and Towing Ships. With a length of 68.02 m, a width of 14.2 m and a draft of 4.25 m, the ship has a displacement of 2,400 tons. With a crew of 130, TCG Akın can reach a maximum speed of 18 knots and a cruising speed of 14 knots. TCG Akın (A-584), one of the most important rescue and towing ships of the Turkish Navy, plays an important role at sea. This modern ship is equipped for various missions such as submarine rescue, ship rescue and towing, rescue of unsubmerged aircraft and emergency evacuation. Equipped with various modern equipment to fulfill its missions, TCG Akın has a towing power of 75 tons and offers the opportunity to easily tow damaged or malfunctioning ships.

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TCG Akın has systems specially designed for submarine rescue and support activities. Thanks to these systems, submarines can be provided with emergency air and energy and evacuation operations can be carried out from submarines. TCG Akın’s helipad allows the use of helicopters in search and rescue and evacuation operations. It is equipped with advanced sensors and communication systems. In this way, the ship can easily communicate with other platforms at sea and command centers on shore. TCG Akın is assigned to support submarines in emergency situations and to carry out evacuation operations from submarines. One of the important missions of this ship is to tow damaged or malfunctioning ships to a safe harbor. TCG Akın supports search and rescue activities for ships and people lost at sea or involved in accidents. In case of natural disasters or other emergencies, the ship can be used to evacuate people in the area.

TCG Işın (A-583)

TCG Işın (A-583) was delivered to the Turkish Naval Forces Command (TNFC) on July 22, 2017 at a ceremony held at Istanbul Shipyard Tuzla. This national ship is named after Lieutenant Commander Zeki Işın, Commodore of the II Submarine Flotilla, who was martyred in the 1941 Refah Freighter disaster. TCG Işın, which is a Rescue and Towing Ship (ARS), has an important place in Turkish maritime history. Built with a national design, this ship demonstrates the power and capability of the Turkish maritime industry in many aspects.TCG Işın (A-583) has a length of 68.02 m, a width of 14.2 m, a displacement of 2,400 tons and a crew capacity of 130 people.TCG Işın (A-583)’s missions include underwater search and rescue activities, the destruction of mines and explosive materials floating at sea, the repair and maintenance of underwater facilities and the refueling of watercraft while underway. At the same time, the ship provides rescue operations by detecting and identifying the wreckage of aircraft, ships, submarines, etc. that have suffered accidents and sunk at sea, and rescues the personnel trapped in the submarine in case of accidents and malfunctions that may occur in submarines.TCG Işın, which shows how far the Turkish maritime industry has progressed with national design and production, is a source of pride for the Turkish maritime industry. This national ship makes an important contribution to Turkiye becoming a stronger and safer country at sea.


Modern Maritime Patrol Aircraft and UAVs AKSUNGUR (Operative UAV)

Developed by Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI) for the Turkish Armed Forces (TAF), the AKSUNGUR UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) is in the Medium Altitude Long Endurance (MALE+) class. The indigenous and national element, which can play a critical role in missions such as surveillance, intelligence, maritime patrol and armed attack, entered the TAF inventory in 2021.The AKSUNGUR UAV has a length of 12 m, a wingspan of 24 m, a height of 3 m, a payload capacity of 750 kg and a maximum take-off weight of 3,300 kg.The AKSUNGUR UAV has an impressive endurance of 40 hours, allowing it to conduct uninterrupted reconnaissance and surveillance. AKSUNGUR, which can be customized for different missions with its 750 kilogram payload capacity, has been developed to play an effective role in both intelligence gathering and offensive operations by carrying various sensors, cameras and weapons. AKSUNGUR can reach an altitude of up to 40 thousand feet, allowing it to dominate over a wide area. It can perform its missions covertly and safely by being protected from enemy radars and air defense systems. Equipped with two 170 horsepower turbodiesel engines, AKSUNGUR stands out with its high performance and durability. The vehicle performs its missions without interruption even in harsh weather conditions. On December 15, 2023, the newest model of the AKSUNGUR UAV, produced as part of the Operative UAV Project, was delivered to the Turkish Naval Forces Command. With this development, the Turkish Naval Forces also started to benefit from the power of Aksungur.

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