Saab to provide semi-autonomous Double Eagle undersea system to Kuwait

MDN İstanbul

The US Navy has hired Saab to provide the Double Eagle undersea vehicle to Kuwait, according to a news release dated 11 December from the Swedish firm.

The Kuwait Naval Force is to receive the semi-autonomous, remotely operated system through the Pentagon’s Foreign Military Sales program.

Asked about details, a Saab spokesperson pointed to a Dec. 4 Navy contract award notice, which said the deal is worth almost $16 million.

The Double Eagle can launch from several types of craft and from the shore to carry out mine countermeasure missions. Users can store the vehicle in standard containers. According to Saab, the system can both detect and dispose of mines.

“We are excited to introduce the production of this undersea vehicle capability to the U.S.,” Erik Smith, president and CEO of Saab’s U.S. subsidiary, said in the release.

The company said its American division will produce system parts in collaboration with other production centers located in Sweden, the U.K. and Denmark.

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