Rheinmetall’s $136M Australian Naval tech deal

MDN İstanbul

In a significant boost to maritime defense, Rheinmetall, the German defense company, has entered into a $136 million contract with Australia for supplying its naval protection systems, according to a company press release. This marks the company’s most substantial order in the domain of ship protection technology.

Under this deal, Rheinmetall will provide the Royal Australian Navy with its Multiple Ammunition Soft-kill System (MASS), initially for the Hobart-class destroyers and ANZAC-class frigates. The first systems are slated for delivery in late 2023, and the systems are expected to reach full operational capacity by 2027. The agreement carries the potential for a substantial increase, as it includes the option to equip Australia’s entire naval fleet. Should this option be exercised, total sales could soar to an estimated $1 billion. Once the systems are delivered, Australia will become the 16th country to deploy Rheinmetall’s MASS system. The deal also includes a technology transfer component.

The systems ordered by the Royal Australian Navy will be integrated at Rheinmetall Defence Australia’s MILVEHCOE center for military vehicles.

Designed for all types of waters, from high seas to coastal waters and rivers, the MASS system provides multi-directional protection against anti-ship guided missiles and laser-guided weapons. It can be installed on ships of all sizes and integrated seamlessly into existing ship command and weapon engagement systems. The standard MASS system comprises 1 to 6 launchers, each with the capacity to fire up to 32 Omni Trap decoy munitions.

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