Lynch outlines growth prospects for Port of Savannah

MDN İstanbul

Griff Lynch, Georgia Ports Authority’s executive director, projected a positive future for the Port of Savannah during his speech at the Georgia Foreign Trade Conference in Sea Island. He attributed this promising outlook to a mixture of domestic and international factors expected to channel more cargo to the fastest-growing port in the U.S.

Lynch underscored the influence of U.S. demographic shifts and manufacturing trends, as well as shifts in global sourcing that benefit Savannah as a cargo hub.

“The U.S. Southeast’s population is growing at a rate that surpasses any other region in the country, and the region’s business-friendly states are drawing manufacturers,” Lynch said. He noted that production is shifting to countries like India and Vietnam, which are ideally situated for delivery via Savannah.

U.S. Census data reveals that between 2020 and 2022, the population of the U.S. South grew by 2.3 million people, while the population in the Western U.S. increased by just 92,000.

Lynch pointed out the lower operating costs, growing population, and logistical benefits that make the region an attractive market for producers. He spotlighted the recent news about Hyundai Metaplant setting up operations in the area, promising to create a new ecosystem for auto manufacturing and related suppliers and boosting cargo through Georgia’s deepwater ports.

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