From national ship to national submarine

MDN İstanbul

There was a single hegemon in the seas of the world after the cold war: The United States of America, the self-described new Roman Empire

Emphasising its objective of safeguarding “the freedom of the seas,” the US used to be the world’s dominant power; the ruler of the waves  controlling the world’s trade routes; its position fortified by the nuclear power which in turn enhanced its conventional power. But the first quarter of the 2000’s saw the collapse of historian Francis Fukuyama’s “end of history” thesis. Talk of the center of the new world moving towards Eurasia beganall across the globe. Today, Russia and China are making moves that undermine the US’s power. And as always, the seas remain the main scene for shows of power, even in the new world.
These shows of power naturally trigger technological innovation, give way to the emergence of new platforms and new weapons: Quantum computers, nanotechnology, hypersonic weapons, directed energy weapons, state-of-the art EM Defense and Support systems, unmanned vehicles, advanced decision support and IT systems, new generation network powered C2 systems, cyber defense/assault technologies and the ever growing range of technological innovations. All of these and the continuously rising tension are pushing states to own even more powerful naval forces.
In this sense, the maritime defense industry remains a large market, with its importance growing everyday. The estimated volume the maritime industry  will reach between the years 2013 and 2030 is 800 billion dollars. Over the next decade, the expected volume for amphibious warships is 25 billion dollars; 37 billion dollars for the destroyer market and 63 billion dollars for frigates. The 2016 volume of the submarine market was 22.8 billion dollars, with this amount expected to reach 22.8 billion in 2026. Turkey is prepared to export to the global defense industry market with its domestically designed national warship MİLGEM and other above water craft. However, the field of war is changing everyday and every new development increases the importance of “secrecy.” The key area for this secrecy will be underwater equipment and craft in the 21st century. Submersible communication networks, long-range torpedoes and dozens of unmanned underwater craft that communicate seamlessly with one and other..
As acoustics has not been replaced with a new energy system just yet, this secrecy will continue to serve both as an advantage and the worst nightmare for the world’s naval forces. The future will be shaped underwater! New equipment that offers more powerful command control systems and ensures secrecy in communications will create disproportional differences. And the Turkish Naval Forces, which has done a completely correct reading of the new situation, has combined its understanding of the new era with its vision for a National Submarine. We are already seeing the national submarine MİLDEN submerging into the waters!

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