Exercise Denizkurdu-II/24 impresses with its Elite Observer Day

MDN Editör

The Distinguished Observer Day of Exercise Denizkurdu-II/24 was held in the Eastern Mediterranean on May 11 with the participation of Yaşar Güler, Minister of National Defense.The exercise was conducted by the Turkish Naval Forces Command in the Eastern Mediterranean between May 7-18, 2024. A large number of ships, submarines, aircraft and helicopters, as well as special forces elements participated in the exercise. Minister of National Defense Yaşar Güler, the Turkish Armed Forces Command and military attachés of 18 foreign countries watched the exercise from the TCG SALİHREİS Frigate departing from Aksaz Port and closely followed the moments when naval and air elements destroyed the targets.During the program, various scenarios such as tactical claw operation, submarine and airborne landing were reenacted at sea. The exercise ended with the official parade of surface and air vehicles at sea, and for the first time, four unmanned sea vehicles took part in the exercise.

Exercise Denizkurdu-II/24 impresses with its Elite Observer Day

Minister Güler: “The Turkish Century has started with strong and confident steps

Yaşar Güler, Minister of National Defense, spoke about the exercise as follows: 

“With Exercise Denizkurdu-II/24, we have once again demonstrated the deterrence and high combat capability of the Turkish Naval Forces to the whole world. All of our personnel participating in the exercise have once again demonstrated their readiness and determination. The effectiveness of the systems produced by our ever-developing domestic and national defense industry and the skill of our personnel in using these systems were observed with great satisfaction. I sincerely believe that within the framework of the lessons to be learned from this activity, the upcoming exercises will be carried out with the same success. Our country, which has always emerged stronger from all the adversities it has experienced, has started the second century of our Republic with strong and confident steps with the goals of the ‘Century of Turkiye’.  Our Ministry of National Defense is carrying out the most comprehensive and intensive activities of the last century in order to carry our country to the future with confidence and to make our Republic last forever. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the distinguished personnel of the Naval Forces Command, the Air Force Command and the Coast Guard Command for their outstanding efforts in all the planning and execution phases of the exercise.” Güler also expressed his gratitude to the military attachés of foreign countries participating in the exercise.

Exercise Denizkurdu-II/24 impresses with its Elite Observer Day

15,000 personnel participated in the Denizkurdu-II/24

Denizkurdu-II/24 Exercise Distinguished Observer Day was attended by 

  • 94 Surface Ships, 
  • 7 Unmanned Naval Vehicles, 
  • 8 Submarines, 
  • 54 Air Elements (10 D/K Aircraft, 16 Helicopters, 28 S/UAVs), 
  • 2 Underwater Assault Teams (SAT), 
  • 3 Underwater Defense Teams (SAS), 
Exercise Denizkurdu-II/24 impresses with its Elite Observer Day

Coastal Troops from the Naval 

Forces Command:

  • 26 Attack Aircrafts (13 Task Flights), 
  • 1 Airborne Warning and Control (HIK) Aircraft (2 Task Flights), 
  • 1 Target Towing Aircraft (5 Task Flights),  
  • 1 A-400 M Transport Aircraft (1 Mission Flight), 

From the Coast Guard Command, 6 Coast Guard Boats and a total of 15 thousand personnel participated.

Exercise Denizkurdu-II/24 impresses with its Elite Observer Day

Within the scope of the exercise:

  • ‘Operational Readiness Trainings’ and ‘Actual Weapon Trainings’ between 7-8 May 2024, 
  • ‘Logistic Integration’ between 9-10 May 2024, 
  • Distinguished Observer Day (DOD) activities of the exercise based in Aksaz/Marmaris on 11 May 2024, 
  • Between 12-13 May 2024, ‘Actual Weapons Training’ was conducted, 
  • Between 14-16 May 2024, ‘Operational Training in a Multi-Threat Environment (OOTE)’ was conducted, 
  • Between 17-18 May 2024, 43 ships visited 27 ports.

The exercise aims to improve the command and control capability of the Turkish Naval Forces, increase deterrence against threats at sea and contribute to the protection of the Blue Homeland.

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