2H Offshore to deliver platform off Malaysia

MDN İstanbul

2H Offshore, an Acteon company, will deliver a lightweight conductor-supported platform for EQ Petroleum Developments Malaysia Sdn Bhd for installation in the Tanjong Baram field, offshore Malaysia. EQ Petroleum Developments Malaysia Sdn Bhd is a subsidiary of EnQuest PLC. The award follows completion of a competitive tender process, in which 2H successfully developed a jack-up installable platform design to meet EnQuest’s project timeline and budget.
Installed in 10-meter water depth, the platform has three decks with a subsea template and will host two wells with spare capacity for future additions. The decks will be supported by three 30-inch well conductors. A boat landing and crane will also be provided. The platform will be tied back with an 8-kilometer-long flexible pipeline to the existing West Lutong-A facility, and will be fabricated locally in Malaysia. Installation is planned for Q1/Q2 2015.
The scope of 2H’s work includes all platform and conductor detailed engineering, equipment procurement, fabrication, installation support and offshore commissioning.
Feisal Alhady, executive director of 2H’s Kuala Lumpur office, commented, “During the six years we have been established in Kuala Lumpur, we have developed a successful track record in conductor-supported platform engineering. This, coupled with our experience of the local fabrication market, will enable us to effectively deliver this lightweight platform for Enquest.”

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