New investments improves the capabilities of Desan rapidly

MDN İstanbul

Cenk Kaptanoglu, Head of the Executive Board of Desan Shipyard, shares information on the capabilities of Turkish shipbuilding sector and projects of Desan,with the readers of MarineDeal News.
Turkish shipyards have inclined towards niche markets in the recent periods. Among the ships produced for niche markets, there are offshore vessels, survey vessels, mega yachts, supply ships and oceangoing vessels.
Turkey which due to its geo-strategic structure takes on the task as a bridge between Europe, Balkans, Middle East, Black Sea and Northern Africa, comes into prominence amongst world countries especially in new building,repair industries. The fact that the expected numbers in import and export are exceeded, unfolds the economic development of the industry. Owners and operators, especially when maritime freight charges are high, seek a way to have their ship’s maintenance-repair needs carried out by the shipyards that are close to the route of these ships and “fastest”. When maritime freight charges are low, both speed and inexpensiveness become important. Turkish shipyards are closer to Mediterranean-Asia route which expands from Far East and Southeastern Asia rather than other routes.
In addition to that, the skilled  manpower , developed sea trade,low labor cost, improving supporting industry, strong industrial organization structure , providing high quality and cost effective services, having technological innovations , financial  possibilities and increasing support of government to the industry are among the motives to prefer. Furthermore all shipyards are located at the same area, also easy access to Istanbul and to the authorized workshops, rapid delivery of the European spare parts & equipment to the shipyards/clients, to specialize in custom built vessels, flexibility of design-build deliver y are the additional factors to work with Turkish Shipyards.
Desan is capable of performing new building of commercial vessels, special purpose vessels,offshore support & supply vessels, drilling and accommodation jack-up units, tugboats, fishing vessels, and mega yachts in addition to modification of commercial vessels, lenghtening and restoring. Desan has the capability to repair all types of vessels up to post panamax size its established industrial facility infrastructure in order to serve first class customers all over the world. Desan Shipyards managed to complete 1170 repair projects in last 6 years Experienced management and skilled engineering teams together with the workforce and the large local network of subcontractors guarantees the quality of jobs and provide cost effective new building, conversion and repair.
Taking  into account that naval vessels require different standards and quality compared to the commercial shipbuilding practices, Desan Shipyard carrying out the special official certifications, is one of the ‘’naval shipbuilding certified ‘’ shipyard out of seven shipyards which are authorized and qualified to build the naval ships by the Ministry of National Defence Turkey.
The premises  which use to be operate under Şahin Çelik name has been acquired by Desan Shipyard under the expansion of shipyard programme.

Special deliveries
SORLANDET: The old fullrigger Sorlandet had been carried out at our shipyard and launched Sept 09,2013. We have carried out re-plating of the bow and stern of the full-rigger Sorlandet, all in riveted steel plate. Riveting as a method of joining steel structures together eventually disappeared as welding technology took over-during the period 1930-60. Riveting steel is like sewing sails by hand, it takes longer and very few know how to do it anymore, but it was a very good way to put ships together
ST-216 Arctic: We signed agreement with premier global shipyard and we are building ST-216 Arctic for US market which is scheduled to be delivered by second quarter of 2015. ST-216 Arctic is platform supply vessel which will be outfitted and prepared for standby rescue and platform supply services including transport of: Deck Cargo, Pipes, Dry bulk, Liquid cargo .

Desan Shipyard technic specs
– Shipyard Area:  41.000 m2 (included 4.800 m2  covered ship production hall)
– Ship Construction Slipway-I:  23 x 140 m (2 x 50 tons jib cranes)
– Ship Construction Slipway-II:  20 x 115 m (1 x 200 tons gantry crane)
– Ship Construction Platform:  26 x 120 m (1 x 50 tons jib crane)
– Steel Manufacturing Capacity:  max 25.000 tons/year
Covered Ship Construction Hall (The biggest covered construction facility among Turkish shipyards)
– Dimension: 40,22 x 120,4 x 37 m. (inner dimension)
4 x 75 tons and 2 x 20 tons overhead cranes (combined to lift 300 tons)
– Length: 197 m
– Inner Width: 27 m
– Lifting Capacity: 12,500 tons
– Length: 234m
– Inner Width: 40 m
– Lifting Capacity: 49.500 tons
Desan Shipyard is well organized for quick work of steel renewal processing up to 100 ton / day (total).

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